March 3, 2025
Giselle Mundell

Giselle Mundell

How did you get started in Bridge? At what age? Who from?

I started Bridge classes when I was 23 and learnt with John Newman . I was instantly hooked!!

What do (did) you do professionally?

Many things; I have 3 online homeware stores; I deal in art; I actually also have taught Bridge to beginners for a few years and surprisingly thoroughly enjoyed doing it.

Who is your partner and for how long? Longest partnership?

My main female partner is Rena Kaplan and I play with Julian Foster in mixed comps.

If you had a choice who would you like to play with? Australia and Internationally- living or dead?

My choice would be Kit Woolsey and the reason for this is that if he reads this, he may take me up on it!!

In your playing career, what is the Bridge success that has the most meaning for you?

Funnily enough, my main ambition was to make the NSW state team; the idea of representing Australia was surreal; ( it still is in a way)

And your worst moment in Bridge?

I am going to be diplomatic ( really????) and not answer that in order to protect the guilty.

What do you do you do between sessions to put you in the best frame of mind for the following session?

Easy question; play the piano; If I’m not at home I always try and locate one in the hotel I am staying in.

Do you have a favourite and least favourite convention?

I wouldn’t say I do; I like conventions that come up a lot; no point trying to remember things that come up in a blue moon. If I truly dislike something, I ask my partner if it’s Ok if we take it out of our system.

Would you prefer to have more system or less?

Happy with what we have

What do you do to improve your game?

I actually only read Bridge books; very very useful and educational

Favourite Bridge book?

any book by Alan Sontag

I also devour any book written by Rixi Markus ( to whom I am related)

What interests or hobbies do you have besides Bridge?

piano, friends, exercise, I love watching documentaries on pretty much anything, especially history and music

What is the number one thing that Bridge has done for you as a person and for your life?

easy answer; kept me stimulated but it’s a 2 way sword; remember the saying ” it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”?

that pretty much sums it up!

Bridge Results and Awards

Honestly, I don’t really think about past comps 

National Titles

Australian Women’s Team Playoff 2014, 2019, 2020 (2nd)
Australian Mixed Team Play-offs 2020 (2nd)
Sara Tishler Women’s Swiss Pairs 2018 (2nd)
Australian Women’s Pairs 2006 (2nd)
Australian Women’s Pairs 2008 (2nd)
National Swiss Pairs 2011 (2nd)
Australian Swiss Pairs 2012 (2nd)
National Women’s Teams  (2nd) 2011, 2012, 2015, 2018

State Representation

NSW      2011, 2014, 2016

 International Representation

Australian Women’s team

2019 – Australian Asia-Pacific, Singapore
2019 – Australian Venice Cup Team, Wuhan, China
2021 – Australian Women’s Team, Salsomaggiore, Italy
